Total: 42/52

Question 2

The answer was A, I made a mistake within the index and it caused me to get the question wrong. Topic 6.2 Skill 4.

Question 7

The answer was D, This was a multiple answer question and I didn't realize that II would also be a right answer overlooked it. Topic 9.3 Skill 4.b

Question 9

The answer was C, I didn't realize that the initial value is not 5 and its always above 10. Topic 3.4 Skill 4.c

Question 27

The answer was D, This was a multiple answer question and I didn't realize that II would also be a right answer overlooked it. Topic 9.3 Skill 4.b

Question 36

The answer was A, I made a mistake when I was following along with the line of code which caused me to get the question wrong. Topic 3.3 Skill 3.a

Question 42

The answer was A, I wasnt sure on the topic and it caused me to make a big mistake, wasnt sure about the syntax. Topic 3.3 Skill 3.a

Question 44

The answer was A, I made a mistake when I was following along with the line of code which caused me to get the question wrong. Topic 3.3 Skill 3.a


  • I realized a lot of the mistakes I were making was because I rushed the answers but I also realized most of my wrong answers were from Inheritance. I might need to revisit the topic and study it in order to get a better score next time.